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"Swirling nights of the unreal..."

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Attack Of The Vapours began as a gleam in John MacLeod's eye in late 2015.  Having ended his previous band in April of that year, he was looking for a new project through which to funnel his music.    John has been in & out of bands since 1999, but has only once made it into a recording studio, spending all of 2013 recording 2014's 'Unexpected Sunshine' with The John MacLeod Band.  "I've tried so hard for so long to get all my music projects into the studio to record songs, that I almost don't care about gigging anymore," he grins, "so it's just taken priority now, to stop having a backlog of unrecorded songs and get them out there!    That's not to say gigs aren't welcome and fun to play!"


Attack Of The Vapours, then, is primarily a recording project - a playground in which to get songs out of his head, and to see what happens when said songs are passed around various musicians.     AOTV have so far released 'Here Comes The Brim' - a raucous, angular EP with a jazzy detour.   Following  the  EP's release,  they have played  live shows  at The Exchange, the Foxlowe Arts Centre   in Leek, and on the main stage for Lymelight Music Festival.    Twice.    John has played the occasional solo session, most notably for Honey Box Live, a webcast filmed to professional standards for live broadcast by PH Production Services Ltd.     'Here Comes The Brim'  was also nominated for 'Best EP' at 2016's  Music Awards Of Staffordshire And Cheshire. 


AOTV is poised to release the second EP, 'The Impartial Age', having just released 'Sierra Bravo', a standalone single,  through Vicious Rabbit Records, in  partnership with DROMA Records.     2018   is  going to have a lot of noise.

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